Aligned Carbon Awarded Activate Fellowship As Part of the 2019 Co-Hort

May 01, 2019 - Press-release -Aligned Carbon

Santa Clara, CA. — Aligned Carbon is pleased to announce that it has been accepted into the prestigious Activate Fellowship program.


The Activate Fellowship, hosted by Activate, is a highly competitive program that supports innovative startups working on transformative technologies. Activate is a renowned organization dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of breakthrough technologies to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Direct funding is provided to fellows to explore their innovation.


In addition to direct fellowship funding, selected companies in the Activate Fellowship program receive a wide range of benefits, including access to:

  • Mentorship: Fellows are paired with industry experts, entrepreneurs, and seasoned professionals who provide invaluable guidance and advice to help them navigate the complexities of bringing disruptive technologies to market.
  • Technical Resources: Activate offers access to state-of-the-art research facilities, cutting-edge equipment, and resources that enable startups like Aligned Carbon to further refine and scale their technologies.
  • Funding Opportunities: Fellows have the opportunity to secure funding from Activate to support their research and development efforts, helping them accelerate their growth.
  • Networking: The Activate community is a vibrant network of innovators, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. Fellows gain access to this influential network, fostering collaboration and partnership opportunities.


Aligned Carbon’s mission is to revolutionize the semiconductor industry by producing highly pure and precisely aligned carbon nanotubes. 


For more information about Aligned Carbon and its revolutionary work in carbon nanotubes, please visit or contact us at


About Aligned Carbon:

Aligned Carbon is a pioneering startup dedicated to revolutionizing the semiconductor industry by harnessing the power of carbon nanotube (CNTs). By providing the first ever semiconducting pure, aligned CNT wafers in a format compatible with the industry’s needs, Aligned Carbon serves as the key to unlocking next generation enhancements in monolithic 3D integration, energy efficient logic, sub-THz wireless, power electronics, and many other markets.

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